Sue 提訴 投訴
There is a Toilet Association in Hong Kong. 香港でトイレ会があります。 小便器が小さいなら、跳ね返りが多すぎることがある。 前は、中国人は香港で旅行時、町やお店の更衣室,水泳プールで小便や排便をすることがある。...
Do you say what you really mean?
In Japanese language, there are two words called 建前、本音。 建前 is the word you speak while 本音 is the underlying thinking of your mind. Why we...
Japanese toilet トイレ
Japanese is famous for their special toilet with all kinds of different functions There is even an Toilet association in Hong Kong who...
People coming from all over the world bring money to Japan
I am one of them who are bringing money to Japan to help boosting their tourism boom. 円安、最高
Difficult life in Japan 大変な生活
給食費3カ月未納で給食停止 I am so surprised to hear this thing happened in Japan. It is although understandable for the admin to do so. #Japanschool...
Matcha 抹茶
The first time I drank matcha was in 1997 when I travelled to Kyoto. It is not very common to drink this Hong Kong. There was once a...
Western Umbrella Japanese umbrella 和傘、洋傘
傘で梅雨を楽しく It is called Plum rain season right now #Japaneselife #日本 #日本語 #梅雨 #Springrain #Japaneseculture
Hello Everyone
I am going to share my thoughts about Japan and Japanese language study. I am also interested in brain training activities. #nihongolady...